Monday, August 8, 2016

Leaving the Mission and a Baptism

Hey Y'all

Unfortunately this will be the last weekly email that you get from me.  My full time service to the Lord is coming to a close but my member missionary work is about to begin!

We had a solid week.  Lots of crazy adventures.  Friday we got a member to take our investigator down to Destin so he could have his interview.  He passed and so did other other candidate.  Saturday was the day.....craziest baptism ever!  So we had three people being baptized.  Two of ours and one of the sisters.  So it is getting close to 10 and neither of our people have showed up.  So I take a member and we go try to pick one of the guys up cause he doesn't have a car.  On our way out the other one shows up!  So we got one there.  Bro Ficklin and I go to get Miguel.  In the meantime they start the baptism and the person who is supposed to be baptizing Kristy, our baptism, ran to the school to get a picture done before the baptism.  Right up the street.  No problem.  Bro Ficklin and I get to Miguel's and he doesn't' answer his door.  So we go back all dejected....get there and they are in the middle of the baptism talk.  I get a text from bro ficklin 5 or so minutes later asking if we want to give miguel one more try.  So he and I head out for one last attempt.  We go and he no answer sad.  Get back and find out they did the baptisms and were closing up when we got there. On top of that the guy that was supposed to baptize Kristy was 30 seconds late and so they had Elder Millard baptize her cause they didn't know when he would be sad....  So I think I can say that I may be one of the only missionaries ever to miss their own investigator's baptism....awkward....hahaha she was super cool about everything.  So yeah that was my crazy story for the week.  Met up with Miguel later and got him squared away for this Saturday.  He has just been having a rough time while working the night shift at walmart.  

Well I guess this is the end.   Thank you for all of the love, support, and prayers.  I am truly grateful to have been in the full time service of our Lord for two years and look forward to using my knowledge and skills that I have gained to help grow the Kingdom of God in Utah.

Some of the greatest things I will miss about being a missionary is the people here in Florida of course.  Father Henderson will forever have a place in my heart.  The people that I have had the privilege of baptizing and working with has been incredible.  Even more so when I can see it change their lives and see them turn to use that change to change others in their lives.  The spirit that I have felt will be something to always remember.  Thank you again for all of the support.  See you soon!

Also for those of you who want to keep in contact.

1986 North 500 East
North Logan, UT 84341

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Heroes Among Us

Hey Y'all,
It's the final countdown!  I am coming to the close of my time here in the FTM and the Lord's service so you only got one more email coming after this.  Ye have been warned.
This week was a good working week.  We got to spend a lot of time finding including 4 hours in the pouring rain....wonderful experiences right? ;)  it was good don't worry.  Yeah that was pretty much the extent of our week.  hahaha Saturday we did go see an investigator who was "buzzed" to begin the lesson and then kept bringing out the beers.  We originally did family history with him and were going to transition him to the gospel but he just got more and more drunk and just started asking us about the church.  He is catholic.  We were talking about the priesthood how it was restored.  He proceeded to tell us that he knows the catholics don't have the priesthood cause "they jacked up that crap."  Hahahaha oh it was so funny.  The sad part is he was too drunk to make the connection we were teaching him so we are going to meet with him this week when he is sober.  He and his friend (both military men) did refer to us as hero's cause we go face our "opponent" from 5 feet away.  Going up to doors not knowing what's on the other side.  It was cool to hear that coming from a military man.  Super humbled to know what some people think of us and yet we are just doing the Lord's work the best we can. 
Sunday the ward have me give a farewell talk.  Cool experience but super sad at the same time.  I think they are trying to make me trunky. hahaha.  Then during the YSA group Harry (our recent convert) got to give his first talk!  He did a great job even having been up for the last 40 hours cause  of work.  What a stud!  Anyways that's all for now.  I'll be back next week!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Cops Bringing in Good Memories

Sup y'all!
Short on time so I will be brief.  Lots of finding time this week.  Got the cops called on us.  Story time!  We went to see a less active and he was doing some yard work for his neighbor and told us to follow him and talk.  So we go into their backyard and a neighbor calls the cops on us.  Five cop cars pull up and they see us and just say hi and turn around and leave.  hahahaha.  Earlier that morning we had a government investigator come to our house asking questions about our neighbor.  Weird. 
Kristy is doing great!  She has a baptismal date on the sixth of August and her mother is finally on board with her being baptized!  Super spiritual lesson with them Thursdaynight.  Saturday had interviews with President Smith.  Good guy.  Spiritual giant.  I like him.
Sunday was incredible!  We went to the YSA group in Niceville and I turn around to see a member from the Bonifay ward walk in!  Andrew Finch!  It was so awesome to see him again.  When I first met him he was inactive and then he started coming every week.  It was great to see him and how his life has improved so much.  The gratitude he showed me for "resurrecting" him was amazing.  Truly made me recognize the blessings and importance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Don't let it go. 
Here are some pictures from our week.

Elder Funk

Remember who you are and what HE stands for!

A little friend I found right before putting on my shoe....

​The DropALoad Inn.  hahahaha oh the stuff you find while tracting.

​my says it all....

Monday, July 18, 2016

Recent Convert to Missionary!

Hey y'all!
It's super weird to hear of everyone getting home cause it means I am down to the tail end of it all.  However there is still work to be done and miracles to be wrought.  

Tuesday we had a zone training meeting​ and had some great discussions.  Then I went over to Destin for the day.  Great place.  Found a mexican store and got some very nice coke's.  ;)  Wednesday we went to see a less active member and he decided he wanted to help fix my flat bike tire so he took us to Walmart.....freaking 45 minutes later.....we got out of there and were able to do some more family history with Harry. 
Thursday we got our investigator into his new apartment!  He is so relieved to be out of his mother-in-law's house.  It was great to see him so happy and cheerful.  That night I got to go out with Harry and teach a couple of people.  He is such a stud.  He was whipping out scriptures from the Book of 
Mormon to investigators and less active members already.  Now he is preparing to serve a mission next year! 
Friday we did a lot of service....leaves and raking for days......then had to bike about 7 miles to get to dinner....we worked out a lot that day hahaha
Saturday was just full of meeting with people and their crazy situations.  It makes me so grateful to have the gospel in my life and keeps me want to keep living it.   Sunday we had a great Niceville ward and then in the YSA group we were passing the sacrament and we ran out of water cause there was so many people there!  It was incredible!  So nice to see the group growing so much so quickly!  In the end though I love Jesus and life is great even when it doesn't appear great.  Have a great week!
Also shout out to Dusty (convert from Tallahassee) who is leaving on his mission wendesday to go to Pocatello,  Idaho spanish speaking!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Baptist Pastor to Mormon Priest

Crazy week here in the FTM
Taught a lot of lessons and had a lot of success.  
I guess the main thing we did besides teaching was a ton of service.  Friday we spent a good chunk of the day helping one of our investigators move out of their trailer into a new apartment.  Super glad they moved cause that trailer was so disgusting.
Saturday we were able to have Harry Mitchell get baptized!  So awesome and Sunday he got confirmed and became a priest in the Aaronic Priesthood!  He has been changed from a Baptist pastor to a Mormon priest!  He also got his younger brother, who is a pastor for the baptist church where he was before, to start teaching from the book of mormon.  That church is now a nondenominational church hahaha.  The younger brother preached a whole sermon last week just from the Book of Mormon.   We are getting churches converted over here!
So here is a little more on Saturday.  After the baptism I looked at my bike and found I had a flat tire so we had to walk from the church home.  Along the way we got stopped by the investigator that we helped move out the other day so we went over and helped them move things into their new apartment.  Then another one of our investigators asked us while we were moving the first people in to come and help him move out.  So right after moving in we turned around and helped him move out.  He now lives in his car by our apartment complex until Thursday when he can move into a new apartment.  Interesting situation but we are trying to help him just as Christ would and it has turned into a wonderful experience for Elder Millard and myself.
Just want to leave you with a wonderful thought.  Friday and Saturday we had dinner with different members and both fed us Brinner!  Completely different brinners too.  hahahaha Best dinner appointments ever!

​There are two types of people who work at the family history class.   Those who help people do it and those who are taking selfies about it.  I, I took the path less traveled and it made little difference in the end.  But now we have documentation of it.​

Harry's baptism​. The one on the end is Dan.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

President and Sister Smith (Round 2)

Hey Ya'll!

Pretty solid week this week.  Had a lot of great moments though!  I hit a few special moments.  Tuesday I went to Destin to go on a tradeoff with Elder Tate.  He is the bomb!  Love that guy.  We had a great tradeoff and were able to get a lot of work done down in his area despite getting lost a couple of times.  (not my fault)

Wednesday night we had a disagreement with a member over our car exchanges with the sisters.  The member has had a really  rough week and just errupted on Elder Millard.  Really unfortunate.  All over walking a block at night.  I understand her concern but I don't think she understands that we do that all of the time in much worse places than between our apartment and the Sister's apartment.  Hopefully we can help her be comforted with the information that our Mission President has given us that we are fine to walk at night.....nothing worse than going to your brand new mission president and having to ask a super stupid question because you told a member you would....oh well.  I'm over it.  

Friday we got to meet President and Sister Smith (II).  They are an awesome couple and just want to see everything go well.  Very relaxed couple.  I love it!  I got to bear my testimony at zone's weird how real it is getting that I am going home soon....well fairly soon...I still have plenty of time and work to do.  Anyway we had Thomas Kibler take us to Waffle House before Zone conference and then Chick-fil-a so Elder Larsen (guy I came out with) and  I could talk for a bit.  Thomas is such a stud!

Saturday was awesome!  The sister's had 3 baptisms in the morning and then our investigator got married that evening!  Awesome day!  So spiritual!  Sunday we had a great day as well.  I got the blessing of confirming the Sister's investigators into the Church.  Such an incredible spirit was there.  It was super cool to be able to do three confirmations right in a row.  I felt they were semi-repetitive and then I had several people, including a member of the Stake Presidency, tell me how impressed they were with the blessings.  I truly was able to see that the blessings were not from me but from the Lord and even though I hadn't asked God if the blessings were repetitive he calmed my mind and brought peace to my heart.  What a wonderful God we have!  Have a great week everyone!

Monday, June 27, 2016

Stuck in a Rut

Hey everyone
Glad to be here to write this week.  Many challenges were placed before us this week.  I shall describe a few.  Wednesday we had the car for the second half of the day (because of transfers that the sisters had to go to) so we got the car and went out tracting in Valparaiso.  We saw on the GPS what looked like a good neighborhood.....turns out it was a we turned around and were heading out and saw a dirt road.  Millard said go for it and then changed his mind when I actually went for it.  Turns out that that was government property and it was a sand trap.  We got stuck....After a police officer came and we spent half an hour trying to dig out we called a member and he came and pulled us out....Went strait to a lesson with the two girls that were supposed to get baptized on Saturday and the mom went off on us about how they were not ready.  Everything that we had to do for them to be prepared for baptism was done and they were ready but you can't go against the parents will.....worst part is the mother is a member and the great grandmother they are living with is an active member and both were opposed.  Super frustrating.
Thursday we had an investigator make on of our priests super uncomfortable so we got frosties after.  Finally, yesterday we had a member take us, an investigator, and a less active member to stake conference.  During the trip up there the member is freaking giving our investigator anti material!  What the freak!  SHUT UP!  So that sucked and then couldn't hear stake conference at all so it didn't even feel worth it. Did get to see one of my former companions though so that was really nice.  Elder Ellsworth.  He is a stud.
Despite all of the setbacks we were able to have some success.  Found a guy using family history and it was a super awesome experience.  He had been trying to do his family history for years but couldn't afford ancestry.  LOL we are free.  Then the adult session of stake conference Saturday night was great!  So spiritual!  but yeah that's what I got for ya'll this week.  Have a great one.

Elder Funk

Remember who you are and what HE stands for!

​My last planner with Elder Richardson and I!  LOL

​Elder Millard and Bro. Mayew with our car.....apparently Corolla's don't take well to the beach....who knew?​

Elder Ellsworth and I​

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Put on your Star Wars Armor of God and all will be well

Sup Y'all,
Killer week this week.  We got so much work done it was wonderful!  Monday we were able to meet with Eric & Autumn who are getting married in a couple weeks. We got to set a baptismal date with Eric!  After Harry came and picked us up for a lesson.  He is progressing so well!  He came to church yesterday and bore his testimony during Sunday School about how God has influenced his life turning him from a kid in Juvie to a youth pastor and now to a Mormon!  Such a stud!  Tuesday we got to have a final lesson with Chance and Leah before they left for the summer.  Then helped a less active get his house in order.  It was so flippin cluttered.  Got at least one room done and he fixed Elder Millard's tire.
Wednesday it poured down rain and naturally we were on bikes...we got wet in case you didn't catch that.  Not too much success during the morning but had a solid afternoon.  We taught this returning family about putting on the armor of God.  Best part is we used Star Wars as the analogy.  Kids are the bomb!
Thursday we weekly planned.  Taught a few people and then got to go on splits with a priest and our ward mission leader.  I got to hang out with the priest, Seth.  Seth is so freakin funny!  I love that kid.  Friday we went tracting and found a lady who's family is die hard soccer to say that we had an instant connection.  After that Jacob Cooley took us out to see some people and we had dinner with him.  Came back to the church to find Elder Millard's tire was completely flat.  The tube the less active put in was too big, pinched and popped.  So a nice long walk home.....

Saturday was a beast of a day.  We taught 7 lessons!  We had no free time whatsoever!  Those days are the best!  Sunday we had a good Sabbath day and found out that we are going to be staying here for 7 more weeks.....I am going to die here in Niceville.  Good place to die.  Have a great week Ya'll!  Don't forget Jesus!  He's a good guy.

Monday, June 13, 2016

President and Sister Smith going out with a bang!

Hey Y'all,
Pretty solid week this week.  Monday we played some intense volleyball.  By intense I mean 8 missionaries who have become so uncoordinated that we spent more time running after the ball than playing.  Still fun.  Tuesday I got to go down to Destin to become a spanish elder for a day.  I was just as useful as last time!  Wednesday we had our final Zone Conference with President and Sister Smith.  Sad to see them go but they have done incredible things here in the South and in my life.  At the end of it all we got forgotten about....our ride forgot that he was picking us up so we had to wait another 90 minutes to get picked up.  hahaha
Thursday we had an awesome teaching day.  We were able to do almost all  of our planning for next week and still have time to teach six lessons!  Best part is this six year old of a less active told our ward mission leader that "You can't handle that many kids" speaking of the four kids our ward mission leader has.  So funny.  Friday we taught a couple guys in the morning who wanted to know more about the church and one of them was so knowledgeable about the Bible and yet so humble about it.  Best part was he brought up Revelations where it says nothing shall be added to or taken away, and he explained how that was just for that book of scripture not the entire Bible!  No one knows that or applies it.
Saturday was a rough day for us...Started off with me losing my helmet so I had to go get a new one.  On our way to the church for lunch we watched this elderly man fall on the sidewalk and kiss the ground hard.  So we stopped and helped him and got  him a ride to wherever he was going.  Elder Millard then proceeded to accidentally burn popcorn in the church.....smoke was everywhere.  hahaha it smelled so bad.  Sweated all afternoon and then we stopped by a less active's to end the night and he was going to fill our tires with air cause he said that they were low.  He fills one of Elder Millard's up and then BANG!  The first tire blew out and all we could do was laugh and then go to Walmart to get a new tube and tire for Elder Millard.  Funniest thing all week.
Sunday I was privileged to ordain Chance to a priest and give him the Aaronic Priesthood.  Super cool experience.  Yeah that was pretty much my week.  Hope y'all got a good read out of it.  Have a great week and in the words of Brigham Young, "There is no such thing as sacrifice, only exchanging a worse condition for a better one"

Elder Funk

Remember who you are and what HE stands for!

​Here Sister Smith was getting after me for something I did or didn't do....I don't know.   All I know is you can't be mad with a selfie stick!​

​But you can certainly look annoyed. hahahaha Love President and Sister Smith!​

Saturday, June 11, 2016


June 6, 2016

Solid week.  Let me tell you about it.  Monday we had dinner with a family and we had a game of pool with their seven year old.  I bet you can guess who won ;)  yeah....the seven year old....we suck.... Tuesday we went to Fort Walton for district meeting and interviews with President Smith.  While waiting I told Sister Smith my joke about two missionaries and a priest walking into a bar.....she didn't find my joke funny....she found it less funny when I told her it was a true story.....hahaha oh well.
Wednesday we had a lot of success working with some investigators and helping them prepare for baptism in the next few weeks.  Thursday we planned a lot then finally got up with our ward mission leader who has been out of town for a month.  Chance and Leah got interviewed for baptism and passed!!!!  Friday was a lot of biking and teaching.
Saturday we had the baptism of Chance and Leah!  They had their cousins there and their grandparents.  The mother and aunt (who are identical twins....made it super confusing) went all out on decorations.  One is a photographer and the other is a wedding planner so they knew what they were doing.  I got to give a talk on baptism and related it to video games.  hahaha it was a one of a kind talk and no one will forget it.  Sunday we had their confirmation.  Super cool.  It was a wonderful opportunity to be able to bring almost all of a part member family together and to have the family come in from across the country to support them.  We got to have dinner with all of them last night and it was awesome!  They are so funny and the step father freakin loves us.  So hopefully we will be able to help him join the family and make it an eternal family.  So yeah that was my week.  Here are some pictures.  Enjoy and as Elder Jensen told me, "If you don't like it, like it" - Elder Yoon Hwan Choi of the 70.  Enjoy these pictures whether you want to or not hahaha.

Elder Funk

Remember who you are and what HE stands for!

​Chance and Leah, homemade CTR cake, ​

Mission calls on both sides of the veil

May 30, 2016

Hey Y'all!

Pretty solid week this week.  Monday night I got a call from Dusty saying he got his mission call!  (Dusty was a convert from campus)  He is going to Pocatello, ID spanish speaking on July 20th!  I am so proud of him!  So exciting that I will be on the mission the same time as one of my converts!

We had a lot of success finding this week finding another 6 new investigators!  We also have got Chance and Leah lined up for baptism this week!  Super exciting.  Highlight of the week was probably either Dusty or a child prayed for us to find good wives one night at dinner.  Oh my heck that was the funniest prayer ever!  The father could hardly keep it together during the prayer.  Totally made my week.

This week I gained a strong testimony of the Plan of Salvation.  I also gained another companion!  With the passing of my grandfather I was able to gain a new perspective on the plan of salvation and more support from the other side of the veil.  The gospel is such an incredible blessing.  Don't take it for granted.  There is a plan.  Stick to it and all will be well in the end.  Short sweet and to the point this week.  Have a great week Y'all!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Missionary Army leads to new investigators

Hey y'all!
Super solid week this week.  Probably the greatest blessing was finding six (6) new investigators!  That never happens!  Super sick!  Well since it is a new transfer and I don't have my old planner I am going completely off my depleted memory.
Monday- not much happened....
Tuesday- we saw a less active who has something against the bishop and no one knows what his problem is and Elder Millard wouldn't leave the subject alone and the less active kind of let him have it.  I was still having some throat problems so I couldn't talk much.  So I was pretty much useless there.  We also met the neighbor of one of our investigators who talked to us for an hour earlier in the day and when we came back later when our investigator was home the neighbor talked to us for another hour.  Most of the conversation was just repeats of what she already told us....she has a lot of mental problems.  She told us the whole list of them too.
Wednesday- Returned back to teach said investigator and same thing happened with the neighbor.
Thursday- We spent most of the day weekly planning.  We were able to go out and see a few people including the investigator mentioned above.  Finally caught her and her boyfriend at home.
Friday- Rained a lot.  We had the option of weekly planning or biking in the rain.  Easy choice right?  yeah we ended up biking in the rain and going tracting.  The bright side of the situation is we found 3 pretty solid new investigators!  The Lord provides for his diligent servants!
Saturday- The Primary held a missionary activity (74 primary "missionaries" attended) and we got to help the kids go tracting.  a couple of my favorite lines were:  (in response to an investigator saying they drink coffee) "God said No!"  and then another kid insisted on me (the investigator) saying an prayer towards the end of the lesson and after I said amen he piped up  "Okay, so what are the Ten Commandments?"  I said, "Don't worship any other gods before me, right?"  "Nope!"  hahaha
Sunday we had a guy come to church who had been in prison for a couple years and in between church times he told us all about his experiences with prayer in prison and how his testimony had grown.  Super legit guy!
So there is ya a brief overview of my week.  Have a great one Y'all.  Don't be strangers.  Be that awkward guy that talks to people.  It's fun to make things awkward. ;)
oh and this morning a member took us out to the Air Force Armament Museum.  Super cool.  Pictures included.
It's a bird, It's a plane

It's a missionary army

Family History with a GIANT

Hey y'all!
First off I am going to be staying here in Niceville for another six weeks with Elder Millard!  Super excited to see the fruits of our labors!
Monday night we were planning for the next day and we had a member of the college basketball team walk into our apartment and just chill on our recliners asking us for help.  He is like 6'10" or something like that.  Freakin GIANT!!!!
Tuesday we taught a less active who is angry with the bishop for some weird reason and won't do anything to resolve it.  Sad to see how some people use their agency.  (that awkward moment when you realize that you suck at using your agency as well a lot of the time)  Wednesday we had a lot of success working with a couple of our BCD's, Chance and Leah.  They are doing great!  Hopefully they will be baptized next week! 
Thursday we had a Family History booth at the college.  Not quite the same as FSU but still cool to be around college kids again. Friday we did some hard core less active work and saw a lot of success.  The highlight was setting a BCD with a young girl named Kristy!  She is so prepared and loves church and everything about the gospel!  She is a wonderful little girl and baptism will do wonders for her and her family!
Saturday was just packed with service.  We started off moving a hot tub and raking a yard.  Then 30 minute lunch followed by moving a lady a couple blocks from here current house.  Follow that up with moving a member family a couple of blocks into their new house and finally helping an investigator move furniture around in their home.  Of course it was all of the heavy stuff.  I don't know why people look at me and think I am strong.....I am actually very weak. 
Sunday was another wonderful Sabbath day.  So much happiness and joy comes on the sabbath day.    so yeah that is my week.  Have a great week everyone!

Elder Funk

Remember who you are and what HE stands for!

​His name is Simon. We like him.​

​Look at all my people work!​  I trained them well hahahaha.

​oooooo I look good ;)​

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Elderado Funk

What up everyone!
Pretty solid week this week.  Tuesday we had intercambio's with our district leader and I went to Destin to be a spanish elder for the day.  Safe to say I am probably the most useless spanish elder this area has had.  hahahaha  Yeah ended up having super bad allergies down there so for the next three days I couldn't breath well and ended up in the Urgent care center.  Fun stuff.  Kind of butt hurt about the whole situation cause I had to get a steroid shot. ;)  On the bright side we were able to set 3 BCD's this week.  Super exciting.  We had a part member family who's daughter has been coming to church and asked to be baptized and then her brother wants to be baptized by his cousin that same week so we are working hard to get that worked out.  The other one has been taught for quite some time by missionaries and the only thing holding her back is smoking so we are going to help her break the habit.
Oh and of course talking with the family is another great highlight ;)  But yeah solid week of missionary work despite not being able to breathe for most of it.  Well have a great week and for all of you spanish speakers out ther
Yo say kay el libro de mormon es verdedero!
(don't judge my spelling you know what it says)

Elder Funk

Remember who you are and what HE stands for!

​It only took 3 and 1/2 years to finally get a high five from the older brother!​

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Teaching College Basketball Giants

Busy, busy, busy week.  Here is a quick few highlights.  Tuesday on a tradeoff with the district leader we found a lot of success with working with less actives and ended the night meeting most of the college basketball team here and setting a return appointment.  They were freaking huge! 
Wednesday we shoveled sand off a road for a woman.....don't ask people down here are crazy.  I think it is something in the water.....That night we got to meet with the basketball team again.  Turned into a bash but they were super cool about it.  Freaking trying to bring up that we can't become gods when Psalms says that we are gods.  psh child please give me a challenge!  Anyway.  Thursday had a rocky start.  Elder Millard and I got into a giant argument but it is incredible how humble hearts changed bashing into perhaps one of the most spiritual moments of my mission.  Good times.  Friday was there.  

Saturday we got fat cause we had a couple people take us to lunch after helping them with some service.  Sunday we stopped by a less active and I gave him a shirt so that he would feel more comfortable at church and I gave his neighbor, an investigator, a tie.  Super great guys just need to get their lives strait.  After the YSA group I was joking with a member about how I would take his tie and he just pulled it off and gave it to me cause I had good taste.  Freak Yeah!  It is a super nice tie too.   But yeah that was about my week.

Monday, April 25, 2016

April 25

Sup Y'all,
Pretty good week.  Just a couple quick highlights for ya so as not to bore you.  Well mostly so that more people will read it.  We'll jump to Thursday.  Found a part member family where there is two primary girls who aren't baptized so we started teaching them and the 11 year old said that she will be baptized next month if not the month after!  So exciting!  Both came to church and had a great time!  

Saturday we had a car wash at the church where the youth washed cars and we gave church tours and it was awesome!  Lots of potentials from that.  Especially for Elder Millard.  He knows ASL and this 22 year old woman who could speak came in so Elder Millard took her on the tour with me just silently following.  Super cool to see though.  At the end he was asking to exchange numbers so we could share more about Jesus and she thought he was trying to pick her up.  HAHAHAHAHAHA made my day! 

Then we got to go play with legos!  Well help put giant lego cities away from some urban city competition.  Quick sad side story.  We had a member buy and cook us porterhouse steaks for dinner Saturday night and on my first bite I choked and threw up in the sink a couple of times.....the member will not let me forget it either.  We had a lot of less active's and investigators come to church on Sunday so that was definitely a giant blessing and miracle.
So yeah that's about all I got for ya this week.  Have a great week!  Always remember that you are a Child of God and so is each person you see.  So treat them as such.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Strive Not To Be A Success, Righteous Ryan

Hey Y'all
Lots of stuff this week so I will just try to hit a few highlights.  Tuesday we had zone training and learned a lot of good stuff.  Had dinner with a part member family and oh my heck it was so hilarious.  I felt bad for my companion cause he was trying to share a short spiritual message but they were just making too many jokes.  Out of that I did learn that I have level 7 hair and that hair stylists love my hair. 
Wednesday we met with an investigator who was slightly drunk and just went off about how Elder Millard just lies to him cause of Elder Millard's nervous ticks. hahaha He thought I was so honest and such a great guy.  So we came up with the names "Little Liar Logan" and "Righteous Ryan".  hahaha Such a funny lesson.  Had a really spiritual dinner though with a couple.  We taught them about being Children of God and from that lesson we have received three referrals.  Super great member missionaries!
Saturday night we got a call from a member of the YSA group presidency asking for one of us to give a talk yesterday and the other to teach Sunday school.  So after an intense game of rock, paper, scissors I gave the talk.  Never been so happy to give a talk in sacrament in my life hahaha.  Don't worry I tried to help teach as much as I could in Sundayschool. 
So there is ya a few highlights and funny moments from my week.  Here is a few pictures that I thought y'all would enjoy.  Have a great week and in the words of Elder Millard "Live the law of conservation!"  (I don't know what that means either)

Elder Funk

Remember who you are and what HE stands for!

Our Future Missionary Friend

​That moment where you try to make a motivational planner cover and it turns into an epic fail....​

Monday, April 11, 2016

Be ye therefore telepathic

Hey y'all
Great week this week.  Let me tell ya all about it!  Monday we hung out with Brother Forster and sister thomas.  Super sick people!  They took us out to get crab and shrimp and a lot of it.  So much seafood....but very very good.  Tuesdaysaid goodbye to some sick people and had dinner with the McGovern's for the last time.  So sick!  They took us out to get bison burgers.  Delicious.  Wednesday I left pensacola and Elder Millard and I moved into the Niceville apartment.  Come to find out the area we are reopening the area and we walk into almost nothing!  We have no supplies to hand out and no food to eat.  That was a bittersweet moment.  But the ward mission leader invited us to his home for dinner and we got a great grip on how the ward works and he is such a stud!
ThursdayFriday, and Saturday we spent most of the days fixing the map and area book so that this area can function properly.  We have become quite unified in doing so though.  Elder Millard was trying to say that we had telepathy but it came out telepathetic and so we made a sign of it and hung it on our wall.  hahaha so there is the title for you.
Sunday was interesting.  We went to church and it was packed!  Double over flow.  60 active youth members and it was just insane the sight!  I loved it!  Then we hung around so that we could attend the YSA ward which we are also in charge of.  Super cool experience with a returning member there.  He had been home for a couple years and went less active and then called his mission president for his endorsement for some military medal and his president committed him to church so he came and jumped right back in.  He even got up and bore his testimony!  What a stud!  So yeah that was our week.  Hilarious fun and full of work.  (we still aren't unpacked) 
Have a great week!

Elder Funk

Remember who you are and what HE stands for!

​I think I'm quite ready for another adventure (yes those are boots tied to my back pack with a tie.)​

Brother Forster and Sister Thomas

The McGoverns

Yes, my boots are tied on with a tie

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Transferring to Niceville

Hey y'all

Up and down week this week but ended very very well.  We weren't able to get a whole lot of teaching done but did have a lot of success.  Most of the downs of this week were brought about by selfishness....some in me but a lot in others (I say this not pridefully but as a cation to the very real and destructive powers that it has)  We were told by our leaders to get the car on a day that we don't have it so that we could get more training from them in their area on a trade-off and they would not work with anything we tried to offer them to make it fair.  I was so upset and pissed by the whole situation.  I am eternally grateful for a companion who had compassion and was able to work things out while I prayed and prayed for a softer heart.  In the end things worked out and prayers were answered.

On a more uplifting note.  General conference was incredible!  I had prayed for days for questions and within the first session all of my questions were answered and so I prayed in between every session with more questions and got the answers every time.  I have no doubt that the Lord is mindful of little ol' Elder Funk.

Sunday night I found out that I will be getting transferred to Niceville, Florida.  Whitewashing in with Elder Millard.  Super excited!  Love that guy and we will be doing great work!  Anyway looking forward to a great week!  Love y'all.

Elder Funk

Remember who you are and what HE stands for!

Elder Millard and I at Zone Conference

I don't need most of the bike to make it work.....