Monday, August 8, 2016

Leaving the Mission and a Baptism

Hey Y'all

Unfortunately this will be the last weekly email that you get from me.  My full time service to the Lord is coming to a close but my member missionary work is about to begin!

We had a solid week.  Lots of crazy adventures.  Friday we got a member to take our investigator down to Destin so he could have his interview.  He passed and so did other other candidate.  Saturday was the day.....craziest baptism ever!  So we had three people being baptized.  Two of ours and one of the sisters.  So it is getting close to 10 and neither of our people have showed up.  So I take a member and we go try to pick one of the guys up cause he doesn't have a car.  On our way out the other one shows up!  So we got one there.  Bro Ficklin and I go to get Miguel.  In the meantime they start the baptism and the person who is supposed to be baptizing Kristy, our baptism, ran to the school to get a picture done before the baptism.  Right up the street.  No problem.  Bro Ficklin and I get to Miguel's and he doesn't' answer his door.  So we go back all dejected....get there and they are in the middle of the baptism talk.  I get a text from bro ficklin 5 or so minutes later asking if we want to give miguel one more try.  So he and I head out for one last attempt.  We go and he no answer sad.  Get back and find out they did the baptisms and were closing up when we got there. On top of that the guy that was supposed to baptize Kristy was 30 seconds late and so they had Elder Millard baptize her cause they didn't know when he would be sad....  So I think I can say that I may be one of the only missionaries ever to miss their own investigator's baptism....awkward....hahaha she was super cool about everything.  So yeah that was my crazy story for the week.  Met up with Miguel later and got him squared away for this Saturday.  He has just been having a rough time while working the night shift at walmart.  

Well I guess this is the end.   Thank you for all of the love, support, and prayers.  I am truly grateful to have been in the full time service of our Lord for two years and look forward to using my knowledge and skills that I have gained to help grow the Kingdom of God in Utah.

Some of the greatest things I will miss about being a missionary is the people here in Florida of course.  Father Henderson will forever have a place in my heart.  The people that I have had the privilege of baptizing and working with has been incredible.  Even more so when I can see it change their lives and see them turn to use that change to change others in their lives.  The spirit that I have felt will be something to always remember.  Thank you again for all of the support.  See you soon!

Also for those of you who want to keep in contact.

1986 North 500 East
North Logan, UT 84341

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