Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Messin' with Sister Missionaries

This week went by crazy fast.  I am having a hard time remembering what all went down.  We have spent a bunch of time preparing for a baptism tomorrow so that is mainly what we did.  We taught a lot of lessons and had even more fall through.  Those aren't as bad as you would think.  As we have had appointments fall through we have found great investigators to compensate for that "lost" time.  Heavenly Father really has a plan laid out for us we just have to look for the path and follow it.  

Thursday we got to burn a shirt and a pair of pants in honor of a missionaries year mark and another's 18 month mark.  That was really fun.  The highlight of the week was a prank by my companion on a couple of sisters.  We have this girl in our ward named Wendy and so the sisters were asking for her number so naturally we gave them Wendy's the restaurant number.  They called them twice!  The first time asking if Wendy was there and then if she could call them back later.  They called back the second time a couple seconds later and asked if Wendy lived there.  The employee explained that it was the restaurant and the sisters were laughing so hard when they called us to tell us what happened.  It's moments like that that turn Missionary work into Missionary fun.  So yeah that's about the extent of my week.

  We had an awesome P-Day today playing football for 3 hours and are about to head out to the FSU football game!  I seriously have the BEST mission president!  Tomorrow we should have 4-6 investigators at church and then get to have a baptism after!  Best Sunday EVER!  Hope Y'all have a great week!
Elder Funk
Remember who you are and what HE stands for!

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