Thursday, August 13, 2015

Who gave him the keys

August 3, 2015

Hey Y'all,

How is everybody doing?  Wonderful.  So this week.  What a week!  Monday we had dinner with a less active family and then went out to visit Valerie and Byron.  Good day.  Tuesday we went to District meeting and talked about good things.  We went to see an investigator who wasn't there so we went to find people to talk to and ended up running into her and then met with her later.  The Lord works in mysterious ways.  We went out with a member that night.

Wednesday we did some service for a local thrift store. and then went and tried to find people.  That is always fun in the hot sun.  Saw a couple of investigators and then went out and found some more people to talk to. (Side note: It's hard to find people to teach in a small town where they have had missionaries for years and almost everyone has been talked to.  Nevertheless, there are people to find and teach!)  So Thursday we had interviews with President Smith.  Super awesome!  Love President Smith!  Had an awesome interview with him.  He and Sister Smith are truly united as they both referred to me as "nuts" when I showed up to interviews dressed exactly like my planner.  hahaha.  Came home and then went out with a member to visit some less actives.

Friday we weekly planned for a while and then went out to see a couple less actives and have a Bible study with Jessie, Valerie, and Byron.  That was a really good lesson on the Word of Wisdom.  Saturday we freaking worked our tails off.  Went and had breakfast with a less active, JR Kelley, and then proceeded to pull small trees and bushes out with a grub hoe.  Much work.  Then as we were leaving I ran over a tree stump that was covered by leaves....tore up the plastic under the car a bit but nothing too bad.  whoops....  Then proceeded to try and gain the energy to continue working and finding people to teach.

Sunday!  What a wonderful day that is.  We went to church and Jessie and Valerie showed up!  Freak yeah!  Saw a couple more less actives and got fed dinner by the wonderful Lubbe family.  So yeah that's my week.  If y'all have an questions or concerns please direct them to LD.  I am too busy working for the Lord.  ;)  Love y'all!  Have a great week!

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