Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Polygamy for the Win!

Hey Y'all,

Things are going well down here in the snowless wonderland of Bonifay, Florida.  So a recap of this week.  Tuesday we had zone training. Super good.  They were able to hit on all of the points that we were striving to improve.  Very good.  Wednesday it rained like there was no tomorrow.  Sheets after sheets came down.  Makes for good missionary work though because people feel bad that you are in the rain so they let you in.  Thursday we weekly planned.  While we were taking lunch we had a surprise visit from the AP's.  They were coming to do a tradeoff with some Zone Leaders and were meeting in the middle but the zone leaders didn't show up so we just got to have a good discussion on whether or not they were taking our car.  We kept it so we are all good.  Friday we visited Robbie in jail and then made our way to visit some potentials.  We met a woman named Joann who is super cool.  She's met with missionaries for years and just hasn't committed yet so we shall do that.  Then we met with the Erickson's.  They are legit.  He is going through chemo right now so we can only see him every other week but she works with a member and has had a lot of talks with them about the gospel and is pretty much ready to be baptized.  So we showed up and it was just him so we talked for a bit and then we were talking about his living in southern Utah around polygamists and his wife walked in and heard that and then started talking about what the member had told her and how it related to the Book of Mormon.  Perfect segway!  So we had a nice discussion about that.  Saturday we moved a family in the ward ALL day.  If you ever need to pack a Uhaul tightly.  These people (the Mork's) are the people to do it.  haha they are moving to southern Utah.  Sunday was church.  Always a good thing.  Got in contact with another former investigator who is super ready and prepared.  Now it's just a matter of time.  To cap off the week Elder Whitney and I had a Mexican fiesta last night.  Well that's more than you probably want to read so I will stop there.  Have a great week!

Elder Funk

Remember who you are and what HE stands for!


Elder Whitney as part of our Mexican Fiesta!
Elder Olson, Elder Whitney and I showing off why we exist.

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