Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Still Can't Turn Corners

Hey Y'all,
So let's see here.  It has been another week.  The weeks seem to continue to go by at a constant pace.  Mostly because time is constant no matter what you are doing.  I'd much rather have a good time during it though and that is how things have been going recently so all is well.  Nevertheless, on with the weekly summary.  Tuesday we had district activity.  We went and played softball in President Aukema's (counselor in the mission presidency)  field.  Let's just say I can club a softball but I still can't turn corners.  I smashed a ball clear over the outfielder's head and on my way to round 3rd base I turfed it.  In my defense there were a bunch of slick leaves and I had no traction.  Then we had bible study with a baptist church....apparently Christ is coming to redeem his church and I quote the leader of the group, "The Church of Jesus Christ".  Sounds familiar doesn't it?  I don't know but that sounds super close to another church I have heard about.  Well  I guess we will see at the second coming.  Wednesday we just taught some people.  Nothing too exciting.  Thursday we planned for this upcoming week and continued the never ending process of cleaning up the area book.  Friday we had a super solid morning.  Teaching three lessons and getting a new investigator.  The afternoon just fell apart though.  Still a super great day.  Saturday we drove out to the booneys to find some referrals and talked to a guy who has worked with criminals for 25 years.  He had some cool and messed up stories.  Then in the afternoon we just looked for people to teach and talk to.  Nothing too spectacular.  Sunday we had church.  I got to say the closing prayer.  (I hope the bishopric knows that counts for my talking in this ward)  I have made it almost 7 months without having to give a talk in sacrament.  Apparently that's like unheard of out here.  So yeah we got roped into singing in the choir for Stake Conference and we have one song that is just the men and one other missionary and I are singing the super high part....It sounds great but is not the most fun thing I have ever done.  I would definitely encourage everyone to go sing with the choir of their ward.  There is such a special spirit that is there while you are singing.  Highlight for the week was my super awesome fortress I made Friday night.  It could only be destroyed from the inside.  I could have taken over the world with that thing....or at least the apartment in a nerf gun war ;)  Well have a great week Y'all.  I hope you enjoyed this extended addition of the week of Elder Funk.
Elder Funk
Remember who you are and what HE stands for!

Movie night in the fortress of solitude!

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