Monday, December 15, 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen.....ELDER UNIVERSE

Hey Y'all!
This week was a super quick week.  Sunday we got Latedrick confirmed a member which was great!  Monday we went out contacting and it was like misting.  It wasn't a super bothersome rain but within minutes you were just soaked.  Weirdest thing I have ever been apart of.  That night we had a small Family Home Evening where we wrapped gifts for needy families.  Tuesday we had our half mission christmas conference.  That was a blast.  We had to do District introductions.  Ours, since we are the relief society district due to the amount of sisters compared to elders, was a pageant.  Sister America and Elder Universe.  

We each got a question and made a joke about missionary work. Mine was the perfect morning routine.  "6:30 arouse, pray, fall asleep praying and then pray again.  Work out, 7:30 breakfast consisting of hashbrowns, eggs and a lot of bacon.  8:00 begin personal study where most days you study other days you fall asleep.  9:00 companion study where we talk for 15 minutes then make lesson plans and finish off with a quick nap."  President Smith was so impressed he wanted an interview with me after! ;)  I ended up winning the competition (of course) so I am Elder Universe!  

Wednesday we did a lot of contacting.  Thursday we finally had our shower fixed!  Got to use an inside shower for the first time in a couple weeks.  I was getting tired of showering outside when I could see my breath while showering.  Friday was bittersweet.  We had to say goodbye to the greatest investigator ever!  Cait is leaving for Christmas break and then spending next semester in Rome, Italy.  That was super sad.  Then later that night we met with Latedrick and he told us that he wants to go on a mission.  Super awesome!  

Then we finished with a ward Christmas party where we got to see Santa!  So that's about the extent of my week.  Solid week but now all of the students are gone for winter break so we won't have any work for two weeks.  Fun weeks!  haha I will be staying on FSU campus for another 7 weeks though so that's exciting.  Have a great week Y'all!
Elder Funk
Remember who you are and what HE stands for!

Latedrick's Baptism!

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