Hey everyone
Glad to be here to write this week. Many challenges were placed before us this week. I shall describe a few. Wednesday we had the car for the second half of the day (because of transfers that the sisters had to go to) so we got the car and went out tracting in Valparaiso. We saw on the GPS what looked like a good neighborhood.....turns out it was a cemetary.....so we turned around and were heading out and saw a dirt road. Millard said go for it and then changed his mind when I actually went for it. Turns out that that was government property and it was a sand trap. We got stuck....After a police officer came and we spent half an hour trying to dig out we called a member and he came and pulled us out....Went strait to a lesson with the two girls that were supposed to get baptized on Saturday and the mom went off on us about how they were not ready. Everything that we had to do for them to be prepared for baptism was done and they were ready but you can't go against the parents will.....worst part is the mother is a member and the great grandmother they are living with is an active member and both were opposed. Super frustrating.
Thursday we had an investigator make on of our priests super uncomfortable so we got frosties after. Finally, yesterday we had a member take us, an investigator, and a less active member to stake conference. During the trip up there the member is freaking giving our investigator anti material! What the freak! SHUT UP! So that sucked and then couldn't hear stake conference at all so it didn't even feel worth it. Did get to see one of my former companions though so that was really nice. Elder Ellsworth. He is a stud.
Despite all of the setbacks we were able to have some success. Found a guy using family history and it was a super awesome experience. He had been trying to do his family history for years but couldn't afford ancestry. LOL we are free. Then the adult session of stake conference Saturday night was great! So spiritual! but yeah that's what I got for ya'll this week. Have a great one.