Monday, May 23, 2016

Missionary Army leads to new investigators

Hey y'all!
Super solid week this week.  Probably the greatest blessing was finding six (6) new investigators!  That never happens!  Super sick!  Well since it is a new transfer and I don't have my old planner I am going completely off my depleted memory.
Monday- not much happened....
Tuesday- we saw a less active who has something against the bishop and no one knows what his problem is and Elder Millard wouldn't leave the subject alone and the less active kind of let him have it.  I was still having some throat problems so I couldn't talk much.  So I was pretty much useless there.  We also met the neighbor of one of our investigators who talked to us for an hour earlier in the day and when we came back later when our investigator was home the neighbor talked to us for another hour.  Most of the conversation was just repeats of what she already told us....she has a lot of mental problems.  She told us the whole list of them too.
Wednesday- Returned back to teach said investigator and same thing happened with the neighbor.
Thursday- We spent most of the day weekly planning.  We were able to go out and see a few people including the investigator mentioned above.  Finally caught her and her boyfriend at home.
Friday- Rained a lot.  We had the option of weekly planning or biking in the rain.  Easy choice right?  yeah we ended up biking in the rain and going tracting.  The bright side of the situation is we found 3 pretty solid new investigators!  The Lord provides for his diligent servants!
Saturday- The Primary held a missionary activity (74 primary "missionaries" attended) and we got to help the kids go tracting.  a couple of my favorite lines were:  (in response to an investigator saying they drink coffee) "God said No!"  and then another kid insisted on me (the investigator) saying an prayer towards the end of the lesson and after I said amen he piped up  "Okay, so what are the Ten Commandments?"  I said, "Don't worship any other gods before me, right?"  "Nope!"  hahaha
Sunday we had a guy come to church who had been in prison for a couple years and in between church times he told us all about his experiences with prayer in prison and how his testimony had grown.  Super legit guy!
So there is ya a brief overview of my week.  Have a great one Y'all.  Don't be strangers.  Be that awkward guy that talks to people.  It's fun to make things awkward. ;)
oh and this morning a member took us out to the Air Force Armament Museum.  Super cool.  Pictures included.
It's a bird, It's a plane

It's a missionary army

Family History with a GIANT

Hey y'all!
First off I am going to be staying here in Niceville for another six weeks with Elder Millard!  Super excited to see the fruits of our labors!
Monday night we were planning for the next day and we had a member of the college basketball team walk into our apartment and just chill on our recliners asking us for help.  He is like 6'10" or something like that.  Freakin GIANT!!!!
Tuesday we taught a less active who is angry with the bishop for some weird reason and won't do anything to resolve it.  Sad to see how some people use their agency.  (that awkward moment when you realize that you suck at using your agency as well a lot of the time)  Wednesday we had a lot of success working with a couple of our BCD's, Chance and Leah.  They are doing great!  Hopefully they will be baptized next week! 
Thursday we had a Family History booth at the college.  Not quite the same as FSU but still cool to be around college kids again. Friday we did some hard core less active work and saw a lot of success.  The highlight was setting a BCD with a young girl named Kristy!  She is so prepared and loves church and everything about the gospel!  She is a wonderful little girl and baptism will do wonders for her and her family!
Saturday was just packed with service.  We started off moving a hot tub and raking a yard.  Then 30 minute lunch followed by moving a lady a couple blocks from here current house.  Follow that up with moving a member family a couple of blocks into their new house and finally helping an investigator move furniture around in their home.  Of course it was all of the heavy stuff.  I don't know why people look at me and think I am strong.....I am actually very weak. 
Sunday was another wonderful Sabbath day.  So much happiness and joy comes on the sabbath day.    so yeah that is my week.  Have a great week everyone!

Elder Funk

Remember who you are and what HE stands for!

​His name is Simon. We like him.​

​Look at all my people work!​  I trained them well hahahaha.

​oooooo I look good ;)​

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Elderado Funk

What up everyone!
Pretty solid week this week.  Tuesday we had intercambio's with our district leader and I went to Destin to be a spanish elder for the day.  Safe to say I am probably the most useless spanish elder this area has had.  hahahaha  Yeah ended up having super bad allergies down there so for the next three days I couldn't breath well and ended up in the Urgent care center.  Fun stuff.  Kind of butt hurt about the whole situation cause I had to get a steroid shot. ;)  On the bright side we were able to set 3 BCD's this week.  Super exciting.  We had a part member family who's daughter has been coming to church and asked to be baptized and then her brother wants to be baptized by his cousin that same week so we are working hard to get that worked out.  The other one has been taught for quite some time by missionaries and the only thing holding her back is smoking so we are going to help her break the habit.
Oh and of course talking with the family is another great highlight ;)  But yeah solid week of missionary work despite not being able to breathe for most of it.  Well have a great week and for all of you spanish speakers out ther
Yo say kay el libro de mormon es verdedero!
(don't judge my spelling you know what it says)

Elder Funk

Remember who you are and what HE stands for!

​It only took 3 and 1/2 years to finally get a high five from the older brother!​

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Teaching College Basketball Giants

Busy, busy, busy week.  Here is a quick few highlights.  Tuesday on a tradeoff with the district leader we found a lot of success with working with less actives and ended the night meeting most of the college basketball team here and setting a return appointment.  They were freaking huge! 
Wednesday we shoveled sand off a road for a woman.....don't ask people down here are crazy.  I think it is something in the water.....That night we got to meet with the basketball team again.  Turned into a bash but they were super cool about it.  Freaking trying to bring up that we can't become gods when Psalms says that we are gods.  psh child please give me a challenge!  Anyway.  Thursday had a rocky start.  Elder Millard and I got into a giant argument but it is incredible how humble hearts changed bashing into perhaps one of the most spiritual moments of my mission.  Good times.  Friday was there.  

Saturday we got fat cause we had a couple people take us to lunch after helping them with some service.  Sunday we stopped by a less active and I gave him a shirt so that he would feel more comfortable at church and I gave his neighbor, an investigator, a tie.  Super great guys just need to get their lives strait.  After the YSA group I was joking with a member about how I would take his tie and he just pulled it off and gave it to me cause I had good taste.  Freak Yeah!  It is a super nice tie too.   But yeah that was about my week.